Horacio Grigera Naón
Center Director and Distinguished Practitioner in Residence
Email: hnaon@wcl.american.edu
Phone: (202) 895-4531
Dr. Grigera Naón, presently an independent international arbitrator and consultant on arbitration and business and international law matters, is a former Secretary General of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce and a practitioner in the field of international commercial arbitration and international business law for over thirty years. Dr. Grigera Naón has also widely published in those areas, including a book on “Choice-of-Law Problems in International Commercial Arbitration” (1992) and lectures at the Hague Academy of International Law (2001) on the same topic.
Dr. Grigera Naón, is a Distinguished Practitioner in Residence at the Washington College of Law, American University, Washington D.C. and the Director of its Center for International Commercial Arbitration, a former Special Counsel with White & Case LLP and a former Senior Counsel with the International Finance Corporation, Washington D.C. He also serves as an adviser to the American Law Institute’s project on restating the U.S. law of international commercial arbitration. Professor Grigera Naón holds LL.M. and S.J.D degrees from Harvard Law School, LL.B and LL.D. degrees from the School of Law of the University of Buenos Aires and is a member of the Argentine Federal, New York, District of Columbia, and United States Supreme Court Bar Associations.