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PIJIP Senior Fellow Kathryn Kleiman Interviewed by Alan Alda on Clear and Vivid

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Senior Fellow Kathryn Kleiman on Clear & Vivid w. host Alan Alda

PIJIP's Senior Fellow Kathryn Kleiman discussed her book Proving Ground with Alan Alda on his podcast Clear and Vivid.

Proving Ground tells the story of six women hired by the army to program “the world’s first all-electronic, programmable, general-purpose computer,” known as the ENIAC, to calculate missile trajectories during World War II. The women - Frances Elizabeth Snyder Holberton, Betty Jean Jennings, Kathleen McNulty, Marlyn Wescoff, Frances Bilas, and Ruth Lichterman - worked without any manuals, or even existing programming languages, yet their work laid the foundation for the computing revolution.

Click here to listen to the podcast.