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Prof. Sean Flynn Addresses World Intellectual Property Organization's 42nd Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights

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Sean Flynn at WIPO's 42nd SCCR

This week, PIJIP Director Sean Flynn gave a statement at the 42 WIPO SCCR. He shared the main findings of  PIJIP's new study on research exceptions in comparative copyright, which classifies countries based on the degree to which they have a research exception in their law that is sufficiently open to be able to permit reproduction and communications of copyrighted work needed for academic (i.e. non-commercial) text and data mining (TDM) research.

Flynn's statement addressed two items under discussion at the SCCR. He argued that the copyright limitations and exceptions in the proposed Broadcaster Treaty are insufficient to meet priorities such as the promotion of digital preservation, online and cross border education and research. Flynn also spoke in support of a new Africa Group proposal for a workplan on limitations and exceptions, which he called "a good faith and rigorous effort to find a way forward."

Click here to read Flynn's full prepared statement.