
Living in Greece:

The second-largest city in Greece sits right in the bay of the Aegean Sea and has a boardwalk that stretches for miles with historical and modern sites. The water is a short drive from where you will be taking classes and living. See ACT study abroad student testimonials here.

The International Programs Office at ACT has staff dedicated to assist students with all needs and provide students with necessary information before you leave for your abroad experience. Before your departure, ACT staff based in the US office can also answer questions and provide students with the support you need.

Once students arrive in Greece, staff orients you with the campus and life in Thessaloniki and provides information on service learning opportunities and ways to engage with Greece outside of the classroom. ACT also offers plenty of sports, clubs, and activities.

Housing and Meals:

Students will be housed in double rooms in a hotel dormitory with another AU Cornerstone student. An ACT Residence Assistant (RA) will be assigned specifically to the AU Cornerstone floor to help students settle in and get to know Thessaloniki by organizing outings and planning activities and providing support in an emergency.  Breakfast and Dinner are provided at the residence every day and students have a small refridgerator in their rooms. The accommodation is in a safe, resdiential area near downtown Thessaloniki and a short drive from the ACT campus. The housing locations are well served by the city’s public bus system, with buses running at 10-15 minute intervals. The housing is in close proximity to supermarkets, pharmacies, banks, and post offices. In addition, ACT provides a basic bus service to and from campus several times a day.