You are here: American University School of Education Faculty Vivian Vasquez

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Vivian Vasquez Distinguished Professor SOE Faculty

EdD, Language and Literacy Education, Indiana University, Bloomington
MA, Literacy, Mount Saint Vincent University
BEd Pre-Service, Lakehead University
BEd In Service, York University
BSc University of Toronto

Languages Spoken
Dr. Vivian Maria Vasquez is a Professor of Education at American University. She has worked in the field of education for over 40 years. Her research interests are in critical literacy, early literacy and information communication technology. Her publications include fifteen books and numerous book chapters and articles in refereed journals. Prior to coming to AU, Dr. Vasquez taught pre-school and public school for 14 years. She has held appointive and elective offices in scholarly organizations including The National Council of Teachers of English, The American Educational Research Association, The International Reading Association and The Whole Language Umbrella. Dr. Vasquez' awards include the prestigious NCTE Outstanding Elementary Educator in the English Language Arts Award (2019), the NCTE Advancement of People of Color Award (2013), the AERA Division B Outstanding Book of the Year Award (2006) and The James N. Britton Award (2005). She was also the first recipient of the AERA Teacher Research SIG Dissertation Award (2004). Most recently the NCTE Early Childhood Assembly honored Dr. Vasquez with a scholarship in her name - The Vivian Vasquez Teacher Scholarship. Dr. Vasquez is host of the CLIP(critical literacy in practice) Podcast located at You can find more regarding her work at or


Summer 2024

  • EDU-071 Child Development and Learning

  • EDU-073 Hlth/Safety/Nutr in Early Yrs

  • EDU-075 Program Management in ECE

  • EDU-075 Program Management in ECE

Fall 2024

  • EDU-071 Child Development and Learning

  • EDU-075 Program Management in ECE

  • EDU-075 Program Management in ECE

Spring 2025

  • EDU-071 Child Development and Learning

  • EDU-072 Culturally Responsive Learning

  • EDU-074 Professionalism/Community Bldg

Partnerships & Affiliations

Scholarly, Creative & Professional Activities

Honors, Awards, and Fellowships

Selected Publications


Sample Articles and Book Chapters

Albers, P., Harste, J.C. & Vasquez, V. (2012). Interrupting Certainty and Making Trouble: Teachers' Written and Visual Responses to Picturebooks. Dunston, P.J. et al (Eds). 60th Yearbook of the National Reading Conference. Oak Creek, WI: NRC.

Lewison, M., and Vasquez, V. (2011). Critical Literacies & New Literacies in the 21st Century. In Myers, R., and Whitmore K. Reclaiming Reading. Mahwah, N.J.: Routledge.

Vasquez, V., and Felderman C. (2011). Critical Literacy Goes Digital: Exploring Intersections Between Critical Literacies and New Technologies with Young Children. In Myers, R., and Whitmore K. Reclaiming Reading. Mahwah, N.J.: Routledge.

Vasquez, V., Harste, J., & Albers, P. (2010). From the Personal to the Worldwide Web: Moving Teachers into Positions of Critical Interrogation. In Baker, B. (Ed). The New Literacies: Multiple Perspectives on Research and Practice. (pp. 265-284). New York, N.Y.: Peter Lang Publishers.

Vasquez, V. (2010, April). Critical Literacy Isn't Just for Books Anymore. The Reading Teacher, 63(7), 614-616. doi: 10.1598/RT.63.7.11.

Vasquez, V. (2010). iPods, Puppy Dogs, and Podcasts: Imagining Literacy Instruction for the 21st Century. School Talk, 15(2), 1-2.

Vasquez, V. and VanderZanden, S. (2009). Critical Moves in Literacy Education. In Cooper, K. (Ed). Critical Literacies in Action: Social Perspectives and Teaching Practices. (pp. 117-126). New York, N.Y. : Springer Publishing Company.

Albers, M., and Vasquez, V. (2008). A Classroom with a View: Teachers, Multi-modality and New Literacies. Talking Points. Urbana, IL, National Council Of Teachers Of English.

Vasquez, V. (2008). Critical Moves in Literacy Education. In Cooper, K. Critical Literacy in Action. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Harste, J. and Vasquez, V. (2008). In Baker, B. (Ed) New Literacies from Multiple Perspectives. Peter Lang Publishers.

Vasquez, V. (2007). Doing Critical Literacy with young children: Using the everyday to take up issues of social justice and equity in a pre-kindergarten setting. New England Reading Association Journal.

Vasquez, V. (2005) Resistance, power-tricky, and colorless energy: What Engagement with Everyday Popular Culture Texts Can Teach Us about Learning and Literacy. In Marsh J. (Ed.) Popular Culture, Media and Digital Literacies in Early Childhood. Falmer Press, UK. 15 pages.

Vasquez, V. (2005) Creating Spaces for Critical Literacy with Young Children: Using Everyday Issues and Everyday Print. In Evans, J. (Ed.) Reading Isn't Just about Books: 21st Century Approaches for 21st Century Children. David Fulton Publishers (UK) and Heinemann (USA) 14 pages.

Vasquez, V. (2005) Critical Literacy. In Larson, J. and Marsh, J. Framing Literacies: Multiple Perspectives on Literacy Learning. London, New Dehli, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Contributor. 38 pages.

Harste, J. C., Leland, C., Schmidt, K., Vasquez, V., & Ociepka, A. (January/February 2004). Practice makes practice, or does it? The relationship between theory and practice in teacher education. Reading On-Line, 7:4, 44 pages. Newark, DE: The International Reading Association.

Wong Kam, J. and Vasquez, V. (Eds.) (2003). Writing Today. School Talk. 9(1). pp.1-8. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English. 8 pages.

Vasquez, V. (2003). What Engagement with Pokemon Can Teach Us about Learning and Literacy. Language Arts. 81(1). pp.118-125. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.

Vasquez, V. and Wong-Kam,J. (Eds.) (2003) Disrupting the Commonplace: Elementary Teachers Researching Critical Literacy. School Talk. 8(4). pp.1-8. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English. 8 pages.

Vasquez, V. and Wong-Kam,J. (Eds.) (2003) Information Communication Technologies in the Primary School Classroom. School Talk. 8(3). Pp.1-8. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English. 8 pages.

Vasquez, V. and Wong-Kam, J. (Eds.) (2003) A New Look at Early Literacy. School Talk 8(2). pp.1-8 Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English . 8 pages.

Vasquez, V. & Egawa, K. (Eds.) (2002). Everyday Texts, Everyday Literacies. School Talk,: 8(1), 1-8.

Hansen, J. & Vasquez, V. (Eds.) (2002). Reading to Students as Part of Genre Studies. School Talk, 7(3 ), 1-8.

Vasquez, V. (2001). Critical Literacy: What Is It, and What Does It Look Like in Elementary Classrooms. School Talk,, 6(3), 1-8.

Vasquez, V. (2001). Creating a Critical Literacy Curriculum with Young Children. Phi Delta Kappa Research Bulletin, 45(3), 1-4.

Vasquez, V. (2000). Language Stories and Critical Literacy Lessons. Talking Points, 11(2), 5-8.

Vasquez, V. (2000). Our Way: Using the Everyday to Create a Critical Literacy Curriculum. Primary Voices, 9(2), 8-13.

Vasquez, V. (2000). Building Community Through Social Action. School Talk, 5(4), 2-4. 3 pages.

Vasquez, V. (2000). Frameworks for Locating Teaching Practice: Theoretical and Pedagogical Intersections. The Fourth R, 11-12.

Vasquez, V. (2000). Getting Beyond I Like the Book: Putting a Critical Edge on Kids' Purposes for Reading. School Talk, 5(2), 2-3.


Vasquez, V. (Author and Host) Critical Literacy In Practice Podcast

Vasquez, V. (Producer) 100% Kids (A Podcast with Second Graders)